
  1. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, 21-22 October 2024, Symposium “Innovative Minds & Inclusive Science” on the occasion of Annie Powell’s 65th birthday, “Collaborative efforts of the Kortz and Powell groups”.
  2. Evonik Operations GmbH, Hanau-Wolfgang, Germany, 15 January 2024, “Palladium-Oxo Clusters: Synthesis, Structure and Catalytic Hydrogenation”
  3. Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland, 11 July 2022, “Noble Metal-Oxo Clusters: Synthesis, Structure and Catalysis”
  4. La Rochelle, France, 13-15 June 2022, trainer at POM-BASICS: Summer School in “Polyoxometalates Chemistry for Fundamentals and Applications”
  5. Mainz University, 3 February 2022, “Polyoxo-Noble-Metalate Chemistry: From POMs to POPs, POP-MOFs and POCs”
  6. Invited lecture at New Horizons in Molecular f-Element Chemistry, online symposium (organizers: D. Cui, P. Junk, Z. Hou, J. Robinson), 25-27 January 2022, “Peroxo-Cerium(IV) in Polyoxometalate Chemistry”
  7. Strasbourg University, France, 9 December 2021, “Recent Developments in Peroxo-Polyoxometalate Chemistry
  8. Strasbourg University, France, 8 December 2021, “Recent Developments in Noble Metal-Oxo Cluster Chemistry”
  9. Invited lecture at 15th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia, 23 September 2021, “Peroxo-Zr/Hf Containing Polyoxometalates: Synthesis, Structure, Raman Spectroscopic and Catalytic Studies”
  10. Invited lecture at 25th Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography, Prague, Czech Republic, 21 August 2021, “Discrete polyoxometalates: from geochemistry via crystal engineering to functional materials”
  11. Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA, 15 January 2020, “Noble Metal-Based Oxo-Clusters: From POMs to POPs and on to POP-MOFs”
  12. Strasbourg University, France, 12 December 2019, “Noble Metal-Based Oxo-Clusters: From POMs to POPs and on to POP-MOFs”
  13. Université de Versailles, France, 15 November 2019, “Noble Metal-Based Oxo-Clusters: From POMs to POPs and on to POP-MOFs”
  14. Belgrade University, Serbia, 22 October 2019, “Noble Metal-Based Oxo-Clusters: From POMs to POPs and on to POP-MOFs”
  15. Howard University, Washington DC, USA, 30 August 2019, “Noble Metal-Based Oxo-Clusters: From POMs to POPs and on to POP-MOFs”
  16. Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA, 29 August 2019, “Noble Metal-Based Oxo-Clusters: From POMs to POPs and on to POP-MOFs”
  17. Keynote lecture at “Frontiers in Metal Oxide Cluster Science” (FMOCS VI)”, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, 20 August 2019, “Noble Metal-Based Oxo-Clusters: From POMs to POPs and on to POPMOFs”
  18. Technical University Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany, 25 October 2018, “Palladium, Platinum, and Gold: The Role of Noble Metals in Polyoxometalate Chemistry”
  19. University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 18 October 2018, ”Polyoxometalates for Applications in Catalysis and Energy”
  20. Plenary lecture at 14th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia, 24 September 2018, “Polyoxometalates for Applications in Catalysis and Energy”
  21. Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan, 10 August 2018, “Palladium, Platinum, and Gold: The Role of Noble Metals in Polyoxometalate Chemistry”
  22. The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 8 August 2018, ”Polyoxometalates for Applications in Catalysis and Energy”
  23. Invited lecture at International Symposium on Metal-Oxo Cluster Sciences: Exploring Novel Possibilities, Tokyo, Japan, 7 August 2018, “Recent Developments in Polyoxometalate Chemistry”
  24. Keynote lecture at 43rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC), Sendai, Japan, 31 July 2018, “New Developments in Polyoxopalladate Chemistry”
  25. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 29 June 2018, “Polyoxometalates for Applications in Catalysis and Energy”
  26. Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fuzhou, China, 31 May 2018, “Palladium, Platinum, and Gold: The Role of Noble Metals in Polyoxometalate Chemistry”
  27. Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, China, 30 May 2018, “Polyoxometalates for Applications in Catalysis and Energy”
  28. Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, 28 May 2018, “Polyoxometalates for Applications in Catalysis and Energy”
  29. Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fuzhou, China, 25 May 2018, “Polyoxometalate Chemistry: From Synthesis to a Unique Range of Properties”
  30. Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 18 May 2018: “Polyoxometalates: From Inorganic Synthesis via Biomedical Studies to the Nobel Prize”
  31. Kiel University, 12 December 2017, “The Role of Noble Metals in Polyoxometalate Chemistry”
  32. Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia, 11 September 2017, “Discrete Metal‐Oxides in Biology: From Inorganic Synthesis via Biomedical Studies to the Nobel Prize”
  33. Belgrade University, Serbia, 8 September 2017, “Discrete Metal-Oxides: Functional Materials by Design”
  34. Frontiers in Metal Oxide Cluster Science (FMOCS) 2017, Changchun, China, 21-24 August 2017, “Recent Developments in Polyoxopalladate Chemistry”
  35. Suzhou Research Institute, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Suzhou, China, 14 August 2017, “Palladium, Platinum, and Gold: The Role of Noble Metals in Polyoxometalate Chemistry”
  36. Erlangen University, 4 July 2017, “Polyoxometalates for Applications in Catalysis and Energy”
  37. Torino University, Italy, 19 June 2017, “Discrete Metal‐Oxides in Biology: From Inorganic Synthesis via Biomedical Studies to the Nobel Prize”
  38. Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), Beijing, China, 18 May 2017, “Polyoxometalates for Applications in Catalysis and Energy”
  39. Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin, China, 16 May 2017, “Polyoxometalates for Applications in Catalysis and Energy”
  40. Peking University, Beijing, China, 15 May 2017, “Polyoxometalate Chemistry: From Synthesis to a Unique Range of Properties”
  41. Duisburg-Essen University, Essen, Germany, 12 April 2017, “Polyoxometalates for Applications in Catalysis and Energy”
  42. German Catalysis Society (GeCatS), 50th Meeting, Weimar (Germany), 15 – 17 March 2017, “Hydrogen Evolution Reaction (HER) using Earth-Abundant Polyoxometalate Catalyst”
  43. Girona University, Spain, 7 December 2016, “Polyoxometalates for Applications in Catalysis and Energy”
  44. Technical University Munich, Germany, 20 October 2016, “Polyoxometalates for Applications in Catalysis and Energy”
  45. Belgrade University, Serbia, 30 September 2016, “Discrete Metal‐Oxides in Biology: From Inorganic Synthesis via Biomedical Studies to the Nobel Prize”
  46. 13th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia, 29 September 2016, “Polyoxometalate Chemistry: From Synthesis and Structure to Catalysis and Biomedicine”
  47. Halle-Wittenberg University, Germany, 22 September 2016, “Discrete Metal-Oxides: Functional Materials by Design”
  48. Frontiers in Metal Oxide Cluster Science (FMOCS) 2016, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 10-14 July 2016, “Organo-Main Group-Containing Polyoxometalates: Synthesis, Structure and Biological Properties”
  49. Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 16 May 2016, “Diverse Aspects of Discrete Metal-Oxide Chemistry”
  50. Technical University Munich, Germany, 29 April 2016, “Diverse Aspects of Polyoxometalate Chemistry”
  51. Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 15 April 2016, “Diverse Aspects of Polyoxometalate Chemistry”
  52. Jacobs University, MoLife Research Seminar, 12 April 2016, “Discrete Metal‐Oxides in Biology: From Inorganic Synthesis via Biomedical Studies to the Nobel Prize”
  53. Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research, Dresden, Germany, 19 February 2016, “Emerging Possibilities of Polyoxometalates Acting as Hosts for Radionuclides”
  54. Oldenburg University, NEXT ENERGY, Oldenburg, Germany, 15 February 2016, “Polyoxometalates for Applications in Catalysis”
  55. KU Leuven, Belgium, 5 February 2016, “Polyoxometalates and Their Potential for Biological Applications”
  56. Pacifichem 2015, Honolulu, Hawaii (USA), 19 December 2015, “Recent developments in polyoxo-noble-metalate chemistry”
  57. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Institut für Nukleare Entsorgung (INE), Germany, 19 November 2015, “Unique Diversity in Polyoxometalate Chemistry: From Structural Design to Applications”
  58. Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 6 November 2015, “Diverse Aspects of Polyoxometalate Chemistry”
  59. East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST), Shanghai, China, 9 November 2015, “Diverse Aspects of Polyoxometalate Chemistry”
  60. Bochum University, Germany, 18 June 2015, “Discrete Metal-Oxide Chemistry: Synthesis, Structure, Properties, and Applications”
  61. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 26 May 2015, “Selected Polyoxometalates with Applications in Catalysis and Biology/Health”
  62. Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 25 May 2015, “Discrete Metal-Oxide Chemistry: Synthesis, Structure, Properties, and Applications”
  63. Beijing Institute of Technology, China, 22 May 2015, “Discrete Metal-Oxide Chemistry: Synthesis, Structure, Properties, and Applications”
  64. Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China, 22 May 2015, “Discrete Metal-Oxide Chemistry: Synthesis, Structure, Properties, and Applications”
  65. Debrecen University, Hungary, 8 May 2015, “Polyoxo-Noble-Metalates: A New Class of Polynuclear Coordination Complexes”
  66. The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 16 February 2015, “Late transition metal oxides made of palladium and gold: a novel class of polyoxometalates with unprecedented structures and properties”
  67. Advanced Materials & Nanotechnology (AMN7), Nelson, New Zealand, 8-12 February 2015, “Some Recent Highlights in Discrete Metal-Oxide Chemistry”
  68. University of Melbourne, Australia, 3 February 2015, “Discrete Metal-Oxide Chemistry: Synthesis, Structure, Properties, and Applications”
  69. TUM CREATE, Singapore, 30 January 2015, “Discrete Metal-Oxide Chemistry: Synthesis, Structure, Properties, and Applications”
  70. Henan University, Kaifeng, China, 8 December 2014, “Discrete metal-oxide chemistry: synthesis, structure, properties, and applications”
  71. Vienna University, Austria, 3 December 2014, “A quick journey through discrete metal-oxide chemistry: synthesis, structure, properties, and applications”
  72. Göttingen University, 11 November 2014, “The Noble Chemistry of Discrete Metal Oxides”
  73. Seventh European School on Molecular Nanoscience, Gandia, Spain, 26-31 October 2014, “Discrete Noble Metal-Oxo Cages: A New Class of Compounds and Properties in Molecular Nanoscience”
  74. Newcastle University, UK, 18 September 2014, “Some Highlights in Discrete Metal-Oxide Synthesis and Catalysis”
  75. Frontiers in Metal Oxide Cluster Science (FMOCS) 2014, Maffliers, France, 12-15 July 2014, “Recent results in polyoxo-noble-metalate chemistry”
  76. Ulm University, 22 May 2014, “Polyoxo-Noble-Metalates, A New and Exciting Class of Compounds”
  77. ExxonMobil, Brussels, Belgium, 9 May 2014, “Some Recent Highlights in Polyoxometalate Synthesis and Catalysis”
  78. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, EU-COST Action CM1006: European F-Element Network (EUFEN3), 13-15 April 2014, “Mono- and Di-Lanthanide Derivatives of 22-Tungsto-2-Antimonate(III)”
  79. Padova University, Italy, 18 December 2013, “Novel (and Old) Polyoxometalates and their Biological Properties”
  80. Henan University, Kaifeng, China, 5 December 2013, “Selected Aspects of Polyoxometalate Chemistry”
  81. Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China, 5 July 2013, “Polyoxometalates with Biological Potential”
  82. Jilin University, Changchun, China, 3 July 2013, “Recent Developments in Polyoxo-Noble-Metalate Chemistry”
  83. Beijing Institute of Technology, China, 28 June 2013, “Discovery and Evolution of Polyoxo-Noble-Metalate Chemistry”
  84. ExxonMobil, Brussels, Belgium, 20 June 2013, “Polyoxometalates and Their Potential in Catalysis”
  85. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow University of Fine Chemical Technology, Russia, 31 May 2013, “The Noble Chemistry of Polyoxometalates”
  86. A. N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, 29 May 2013, “Recent Developments in Polyoxo-Noble-Metalate Chemistry”
  87. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow University of Fine Chemical Technology, Russia, 29 May 2013, “Soluble Metal Oxides: The Cyclic {P8W48} Template Wheel”
  88. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow University of Fine Chemical Technology, Russia, 27 May 2013, “Polyoxometalates with Biological Potential”
  89. St. Petersburg State University, Russia, 24 May 2013, “Noble Metals in Polyoxometalates”
  90. 1st European Conference on Polyoxometalate Chemistry for Molecular Nanoscience (PoCheMoN 2013), Tenerife, Spain, 16 May 2013, “The status-quo of POM Chemistry in Europe”
  91. Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research, Dresden, Germany, 21 February 2013, “The Noble Chemistry of Polyoxometalates”
  92. Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research, Dresden, Germany, 21 February 2013, “Polyoxometalates with Biological Potential”
  93. Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA, 17 January 2013, “Recent Developments in Polyoxo-Noble-Metalate Chemistry”
  94. University of Florida, Gainesville, USA, 14 January 2013, “Noble Metals in Polyoxometalate Chemistry”
  95. Vienna University, Austria, 10 December 2012, ”Polyoxo-Noble-Metalates: A Novel Class of Compounds with Unique Properties”
  96. Henan University, Kaifeng, China, 1 December 2012, “Birth and Youth of Polyoxopalladate and -Aurate Chemistry”
  97. Frontiers in Metal Oxide Cluster Science (FMOCS) 2012, Lanzarote, Spain, 18-21 November 2012, “The Status Quo of Polyoxopalladate Chemistry”
  98. Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, VII Russian Conference on Chemistry of Polynuclear and Cluster Compounds «Cluster-2012», 17-22 June 2012, “Palladium, Platinum and Gold: The Role of Noble Metals in Polyoxometalate Chemistry”
  99. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow University of Fine Chemical Technology, Russia, 15 June 2012, “The Noble Chemistry of Polyoxometalates”
  100. Moscow State University, Russia, 14 June 2012, “The Noble Chemistry of Polyoxometalates”
  101. Moscow State University, Russia, 13 June 2012, “Soluble Metal Oxides: The Cyclic {P8W48} Template Wheel”
  102. BASF, Ludwigshafen, 6 June 2012, “The Noble Chemistry of Polyoxometalates”
  103. Tarragona University, Spain, EU-COST Action CM1006: EUFEN: European F-Element Network, 2-4 April 2012, “The Role of Lanthanides in Polyoxometalate Chemistry”
  104. Girona University, Spain, 30 March 2012, “The Noble Chemistry of Polyoxometalates”
  105. Wuppertal University, 6 March 2012, “The Noble Chemistry of Polyoxometalates”
  106. Siegen University, 1 March 2012, “The Noble Chemistry of Polyoxometalates”
  107. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston, USA, 7 February 2012, “The Noble Chemistry of Polyoxometalates”
  108. Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA, 26 January 2012, “The Noble Chemistry of Polyoxometalates”
  109. Emory University, Atlanta, USA, 24 January 2012, “The Noble Chemistry of Polyoxometalates”
  110. University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), USA, 11 January 2012, “The Noble Chemistry of Polyoxometalates”
  111. South Valley University, Qena, Egypt, 17 December 2011, ’’Polyoxo-Noble-Metalates: Synthesis, Structure, and Properties’’
  112. Padova University, Italy, 28 November 2011, “The Noble Chemistry of Polyoxometalates”
  113. Cologne University, 23 November 2011, ’’Polyoxometalate-Based Functional Materials’’
  114. POSTECH, Pohang, Korea, 7 November 2011, “Palladium and Gold in Polyoxometalate Chemistry”
  115. Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea, 4 November 2011, “Some Highlights in Polyoxometalate Chemistry”
  116. Wakayama University, Japan, 2 November 2011, “Some Highlights in Polyoxometalate Chemistry”
  117. Hiroshima University, Japan, 31 October 2011, “The Noble Chemistry of Polyoxometalates”
  118. BIT Nano S&T World Congress, Dalian, China, 26 October 2011, ’’Noble-Metal-Oxo Chemistry: From Anions to Nanoscience’’
  119. Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, China, 25 October 2011, ‘’Chemistry, Reactivity and Properties of {Cu20P8W48} and Noble Polymetalates’’
  120. No. 1 Middle School Dalian, China, 22 October 2011, Marketing of Jacobs University
  121. Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 20 October 2011, “The Noble Chemistry of Polyoxometalates”
  122. High School Affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 19 October 2011, Marketing of Jacobs University (with Peter Dorthe and Yixian Xiang)
  123. Shanghai University, China, 13 October 2011, ’’A Journey through the World of Polyoxometalates (POMs)’’
  124. GDCh-Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2011, Bremen, Germany, 7 September 2011, “Soluble Metal Oxides: The Cyclic {P8W48} Template Wheel”
  125. University of Malta, EU-COST D40 (Innovative Catalysis: New Processes and Selectivities), 14-16 May 2011, “Palladium-Containing Polyoxometalates”
  126. Humboldt University Berlin, 20 June 2011, “From Coordination Complexes to Polyoxometalates (POMs)”
  127. Siegen University, 3 May 2011, ’’Soluble Metal-Oxides: Noble Metalates and the {P8W48} Template Wheel’’
  128. Bremen University, 2 May 2011, ’’Soluble Metal-Oxide Chemistry: The Role of Noble Metals’’
  129. EICC-1: First EuCheMS Inorganic Chemistry Conference, Manchester, UK, 11-14 April 2011, ’’Soluble Metal-Oxide Chemistry: Noble Metal Based Polyoxometalates’’
  130. Tarragona University, Spain, 24 February 2011, “Noble Metal Based Polyoxometalates“
  131. Pacifichem, Hawaii, 18 December 2010, “Noble Metal Based Polyoxometalates“
  132. Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA, 30 November 2010, “Noble Metals in Polyoxometalate Chemistry“
  133. Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse (LIKAT), Rostock, 15 November 2010, “Noble Metals in Polyoxometalate Chemistry“
  134. 3rd EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Nürnberg, 2 September 2010, “Soluble Metal-Oxide Chemistry: Noble Metal Containing / Based Polyoxometalates”
  135. Frontiers in Metal Oxide Cluster Science (FMOCS) 2010, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, 13 July 2010, “Noble Metal Containing vs Noble Metal Based Polyoxometalates”
  136. American University of Beirut, Lebanon, 2 June 2010, “Soluble Metal-Oxide Chemistry: Noble Metal Containing / Based Polyoxometalates”
  137. Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey, EU-COST D40 (Innovative Catalysis: New Processes and Selectivities), 25-27 May 2010, “Noble Metal Based Polyoxometalates”
  138. Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 19 May 2010, “Soluble Metal-Oxide Chemistry: Noble Metal Containing / Based Polyoxometalates”
  139. Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China, 18 May 2010, “Soluble Metal-Oxide Chemistry: Noble Metal Containing / Based Polyoxometalates”
  140. Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China, 14 May 2010, “Soluble Metal-Oxide Chemistry: Noble Metal Containing / Based Polyoxometalates”
  141. Jilin University, Changchun, China, 12 May 2010, “Soluble Metal-Oxide Chemistry: Noble Metal Containing / Based Polyoxometalates”
  142. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, 8 February 2010, “Noble Metal Containing / Based Polyoxometalates”
  143. Colorado School of Mines, USA, 22 January 2010, “From Aesthetics to Applications: The Broad Scope of Polyoxometalate Chemistry Demonstrated by the {P8W48} Template Wheel”
  144. Colorado State University, USA, 19 January 2010, “Noble Metal Containing / Based Polyoxometalates”
  145. Florida State University, USA, 14 January 2010, “From Aesthetics to Applications: The Broad Scope of Polyoxometalate Chemistry Demonstrated by the {P8W48} Template Wheel”
  146. Humboldt University Berlin, 9 July 2009, “Edelmetalle in der Polyoxometallat Chemie und Reaktivität des {P8W48} Templat Rings”
  147. Erlangen University, 6 July 2009, “Noble Metal Based Polyoxometalate Chemistry and Reactivity of the {P8W48} Template Wheel”
  148. Glasgow University, UK, 7 May 2009, “Noble Metal Based Polyoxometalate Chemistry and Reactivity of the {P8W48} Template Wheel”
  149. Bonn University, Pharmacy Department, 19 January 2009, “Polyoxometalates: Metal-Oxygen Clusters with Fascinating Structures and Interesting Properties”
  150. Université de Versailles, France, 6 October 2008: “Recent Developments in Polyoxometalate Chemistry”
  151. 2nd EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Torino, 16-20 September 2008, “Nucleation Process in the Cavity of a 48-Tungstophosphate Wheel Resulting in a 16 Metal Center Iron-Oxide Nanocluster”
  152. Osnabrueck University, 3 June 2008, “Polyoxometalate Chemistry: Synthesis, Structure and Properties”
  153. Tarragona University, Spain, EU-COST D40 (Innovative Catalysis: New Processes and Selectivities), 20-22 May 2008, “Recent Developments in Transition Metal POM Chemistry”
  154. Bremen University, 15 May 2008, “Polyoxometalate Chemistry: Synthesis, Structure and Properties”
  155. Wuppertal University, 31 January 2008, “Polyoxometalates – Inorganic Macromolecules with Multiple Applications”
  156. Oldenburg University, 17 December 2007, “Polyoxometalates – Inorganic Macromolecules with Multiple Applications”
  157. Kaiserslautern University, 14 December 2007, “Polyoxometalates – Inorganic Macromolecules with Multiple Applications”
  158. Zurich University, Switzerland, 7 December 2007, “Polyoxometalates – Inorganic Macromolecules with Multiple Applications”
  159. Institute of Technology, Tallaght, Ireland, 22 May 2007, “Polyoxometalates – Inorganic Macromolecules with Multiple Applications”
  160. University College Dublin, Ireland, EU-COST D40 (Innovative Catalysis: New Processes and Selectivities), kick-off meeting, 20-22 May 2007, “(Noble) Transition Metal Containing POMs for Oxidation Catalysis”
  161. RWTH Aachen, 13 April 2007, “Polyoxometalates – Inorganic Macromolecules with Multiple Applications”
  162. Florida State University, USA, 19 January 2007, “Polyoxometalates – Inorganic Macromolecules with Multiple Applications”
  163. Mainz University, 12 December 2006, “Polyoxometalates – Inorganic Macromolecules with Multiple Applications”
  164. International University Bremen (IUB), 25 October 2006, “Molekulare Metall-Sauerstoff Cluster mit einzigartiger Strukturvielfalt und vielfältigen Anwendungen”. IUB University Club Lecture Series.
  165. Strasbourg University, 29-30 September 2006, “Synthetic Strategies Towards Discrete Polyoxometalates with Novel Shapes, Sizes, Compositions and Functions”. Invited as external expert for EU-COST D26/0015 Working Group meeting “Understanding and predicting the electronic, magnetic and structural properties of polyoxometalates”.
  166. Rome University, 17-18 June 2006, “Polyoxometalates – Nanomolecular Entities with Multiple Applications”. EU-COST D29/0016/04 Working Group meeting “Novel sustainable metal catalysed oxidations with H2O2 and O2“.
  167. Giessen University, 6 June 2006, “Polyoxometalates – Inorganic Macromolecules with Multiple Applications”
  168. Dnepropetrovsk University, Ukraine, May 2006, “Polyoxometalates – Nanomolecular Entities with Multiple Applications”
  169. Georgetown University, Washington, DC, 22 April 2006: “POM Chemistry Made in Beirut and Bremen”
  170. Rice University, Houston, 10 April 2006: “Polyoxometalates – Nanomolecular Entities with Multiple Applications”
  171. Leibniz-Institute for Catalysis, Rostock, 13 February 2006: “Polyoxometalates: Molecular Metal-Oxygen Clusters with Multiple Structures and Applications”
  172. Invited Lecture “Transition Metal Containing Polyoxotungstate Superclusters“ at PACIFICHEM 2005, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, December 15-20, 2005, Technical Symposium #243 (Transition Metal Oxide Based Advanced Materials: Design and Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications).
  173. Invited Lecture “Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Polyoxometalate Superclusters“ at PACIFICHEM 2005, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, December 15-20, 2005, Technical Symposium #261 (Polyoxometalate Chemistry for Molecular Design and Nano-Engineering).
  174. XX Congress of the International Union of Crystallography, Florence, 23-31 August 2005.
  175. Polyoxometalate workshop “Electronic Structure of Polyoxometalates. Interplay between Experiment and Theory”, CECAM (European Center of Atomic and Molecular Calculations), Lyon, 11-13 July 2005, Discrete Polyoxoanions Functionalized by Transition Metal Ions and Diorganotin Groups
  176. COST D29 (“Novel sustainable metal catalysed oxidations with H2O2 and O2“), kick-off meeting of working groups, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, 9-10 July 2005, Novel Examples of Transition Metal Substituted Polyoxotungstates
  177. Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, April 2005: Polyoxometalate Chemistry: Inorganic Nanomolecules with Beautiful Structures and Interesting Properties
  178. Catalysis Research Center, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 26 November 2004: Polyoxoanions: Nanomolecular Structures with Multiple Functions
  179. Plenary lecture at International symposium on “Nano-structures and Physicochemical Properties of Polyoxometalate Superclusters and Related Colloid Particles”, Shonan Village Center, Kanagawa, Japan, 21-25 November 2004.
  180. Osnabrück University, Germany, October 2003: Synthesis of Molecular Magnets: Transition Metal Substituted Polyoxotungstates
  181. Bielefeld University, Germany, June 2003: Nanomolecular Science: Functionalization of Lone-Pair Containing Polyoxoanions
  182. Hamburg University, Germany, December 2002: Synthesis and Characterization of Functional Polyoxometalates
  183. Florida State University, USA, August 2002: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Polyoxometalates
  184. Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, June 2002: New Results in Polyoxometalate Chemistry
  185. Université de Caen, France, February 2002: Novel Polyoxoanions Based on the (XW9O33)n- Building Block: Synthesis and Structural Characterization.
  186. Université de Versailles, France, February 2002: Novel Polyoxoanions Based on the (XW9O33)n- Building Block: Synthesis and Structural Characterization.
  187. Université P. et M. Curie, Paris, France, January 2002: Some Recent Results in Polyoxometalate Chemistry.
  188. Florida State University, USA, January 2002: Polyoxoanions of As(III), Sb(III), Se(IV) and Te(IV).
  189. Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy, October 2001: Transition Metal Substituted Heteropolanions of As(III), Sb(III), Se(IV) and Te(IV).
  190. Howard University, Washington, DC, September 2001: Novel Polyoxotungstates with Lone-Pair Containing Heteroatoms.
  191. Georgetown University, Washington, DC, September 2000: Novel Structures in Polyoxometalate Chemistry.
  192. Speaker at the American Chemical Society, 220th National Meeting in Washington, DC, August 2000 (Abstract 510): Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Transition Metal Substituted Silicotungstates.
  193. Speaker at the American Chemical Society, 208th National Meeting in Washington, DC, August 1994: Diphosphate Complexes of Polyoxotungstates and Polyoxomolybdates.
  194. Carnegie Institution of Washington, DC, May 1994: Crystallography of Diphosphate Complexes of Polyoxotungstates and Polyoxomolybdates.